From today, PubMed has changed to a new format. All the features of PubMed are still there…….but in a different place.
From the home page, you still have the search box and you can also link to:
MeSH Database
Clinical Queries (for evidence-based filters)
Lots of Help – see Using PubMed
The Limits, History and Details features can now be found in Advanced Search. Here you will also find links to other resources such as the MeSH database or Clinical Queries.
Why not take this opportunity to catch up with PubMed features and take the tutorials? See
The web address ( remains the same, so any bookmarks you have set up won’t be affected. Any saved searches or alerts (My NCBI) won’t be affected by the changes.
Further details available from the NLM (producers of PubMed) at and .
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
New look PubMed
Friday, October 16, 2009
iPhone the Body Electric - human anatomy apps for iPhone
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
RCSI Library - get information via email on your book hold requests, overdues, etc.
The Library can communicate with all students via email about book hold requests, book overdues, etc. However we can only email you if we have a current and correct email address for you. The Library receives your address details from the college's student database, so if you need to update your email (or other contact) details:
- Undergraduate students - send an update of your term-time email address details to Student Services by filling in the Student Change of Address Form on Moodle (please fill in your name, student number and email address only).
- Postgraduate students - Please ask your Course Coordinator to update your details.
Please make sure in particular that there is a current email address in your term-time address.
Note: To check what email address we currently have for you, go to and click on "Sign in". Sign in using your ID number and your Library account password (available from the Library Service Desk). Click on "My Library Account". Scroll down the page to the address information section and you can see the email address that the Library has for you. Click "End session" to log off.