Monday, April 26, 2010

EMBASE is back

Thanks to IReL, access to EMBASE is now restored.

  • Over 20 million records from 7,000 + journals.
  • Strong coverage of drug, pharmaceutical and European content.
  • Indexes over 1,800 biomedical titles not offered by Medline.
  • Includes all Medline content- search together or seperately.

EMBASE’s drug indexing is underpinned by chemical names, trade names and laboratory/research codes that are mapped to generic names for more than 27,000 drugs and chemicals. More than twice as large as Medline’s thesaurus MeSH and including all MeSH terms, Emtree opens up access to the literature via more than 230,000 synonyms.

Connect on or off campus via the library database page here

Journal articles about EMBASE in systematic review searching:

Find all RCSI authors in the combined EMBASE + Medline :
1. Go to advanced search
2. Turn off all mapping
3. Paste in this search string to retrieve authors with RCSi and Beaumont affiliations:

(royal:ad AND college:ad AND surgeons:ad AND ireland:ad) OR (rcsi:ad) OR (beaumont:ad AND dublin:ad)

Further information Paul Murphy

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